Day: April 3, 2020

Home Learning

Thank you so much to everyone who has sent in pictures of their home learning to our new website email address:

It’s been lovely to see you all so happy in your learning: building towers out of Lego, creating your own Elmer and even writing a note to the future for your time capsule.

Stay positive and remember our school values:

Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Enjoyment, Discipline

Time Capsule

We are all doing things differently to what we would usually be doing: not going to school; parents may be working from home; the shops are running out of toilet paper; we can’t play out in the park. One key skill in history is using first hand recounts to learn about the past. In the future, people will want to know what life was like for children during this outbreak.

For today’s challenge, create a time capsule. A time capsule is a box of items and information, usually intended as a deliberate method of communication with future people, and to help people in the future learn about what life was like today.

All you will need is a plastic box. You may wish to decorate it before putting some objects inside it, which remind you of this time. A good idea would be to write a letter to someone in the future explaining what is currently happening and how your life is different to how it usually is. If you can, bury it in the garden or hide it away at the back of a cupboard. You may wish to dig it up in a few years time to remember what happened in 2020.