Friends of Cannon Park

Who are we are what is our purpose?

We are a friendly group of parents/carers who organise enjoyable events to raise funds for Cannon Park Primary School.  Money raised is spent on the children and the school.

We hold monthly committee meetings in school and occasionally in the evening (so working parents can also join in). We would love to grow the committee so, if you’re interested in joining the committee or to volunteer to help out with one of our events, please get in touch.

Contact Us:

You can contact us via email at:

Events and Fundraising Activities:


Summer Term

Events are currently being planned:
Provisional – Christmas cards and gifts designed by the children (Nov 19)

Provisional – Movie Night (Nov 2019)
Provisional – Disco Night (July 2019)

Provisional – Father’s Day Present Wrap (June 19)

Spring term

Easter Colouring Competition (April 2019)

Mother’s Day Present Wrap (March 2019)

Movie Night (March 2019)


Movie nights (Feb & Nov 18), Disco (Mar & Oct 18), Royal Wedding party (May 18), Christmas fete (Dec 18), Christmas cards and gifts designed by the children (Nov 18)


Movie night, Disco, Summer Fair, Christmas fete, Christmas cards and gifts designed by the children.

How have we spent the money raised?

Fencing around year 1&2 classrooms
Gym mat trolley
Value vouchers, prizes and certificates for children – per term
Christmas Pantomime for the whole school
Rock band performance for the whole school
Year 6 leavers’ trip contribution

Some of the things we’d like to fund soon:

Spelling Shed 1 year subscription (trial) – for whole School

Phoenix Magazine 1 year subscription (trial) – for whole School.

Developing the Reception class outside area

Class picnic for the class with the best attendance this academic year
Lunchtime sports equipment

Developing the Year 1/2 outdoor area

Fencing outside Year 5/6