Category: Friday Assembly

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of the children who have been working hard, and displaying our values in and out of school this week, and to Miss Roberts for passing her Driving Test!

Teamwork ♦ Respect ♦ Integrity ♦ Enjoyment ♦ Discipline


Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to our first  Stars Of The Week and award winners this school year!

And, well done to all of the children who completed the Space Race Reading Challenge run by Coventry Libraries over the summer holidays.


Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of our prize winners this week.

It’s wonderful to see the first Gold Certificate awarded for demonstrating all of our School Values.

Trust • Respect • Integrity • Enjoyment • Discipline

Celebration Assembly

Huge congratulations to all of our award winners this week.

Keep up the great work; we love seeing you using all of our school values in and out of school.

Celebration Assembly

Huge congratulations to all our award winners this week, keep up the great work!

Wishing everyone a fun-filled, restful and relaxing half term.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of our award winners for your hard work in and out of school. It’s great to see so many of you continually using our school values of:

* Trust * Respect * Integrity * Enjoyment * Discipline *

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to this week’s award winning Superheroes. Keep up the great work; we love seeing you using all of our school values in and out of school.

Celebration Assembly

Well done to this week’s certificate winners! It was lovely to hear how many children are doing extra-curricular activities and showing our Cannon Park Values.

And, congratulations to our Year 5 and 6 netballers who demonstrated all of our school values at the recent Netball Competition. 

We’re very proud of you all!

Celebration Assembly

What a busy assembly! It was lovely to here about the many children, who have been demonstrating our Values this week, as well as the various skills and talents the children are developing outside school. Children also received certificates for attendance today.

Thank you to everyone who entered our Easter competitions. The standards were very high and picking winners was not easy! All money raised for the Friends of Cannon Park goes directly back into the school. Thank you for your generosity.

Celebration Assembly

Well done to this week’s certificate winners. It was lovely to hear how many children are doing extra-curricular activities and showing our Cannon Park Values.