Category: Parent/Carer Support

New Term

We hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday. School will reopen on Tuesday 5th September.

Coronation Crowns

This week, the children have been designing and creating their very own crowns to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Miss Bullock and Mrs Kailey put up a display at Cannon Park Shopping Centre today so please do pop down to take a look at the creative designs.

Coventry Clothing

Coventry Clothing, which is a charity that can help with clothes and school uniform, have just received a donation of primary school children’s swimwear from a school provider that has ceased trading.  If you need help with swimwear for swimming lessons (in or out of school), please speak to Mrs Smith, who can contact them and see if they have the size you need.

Also, should you need support with uniform for September, especially those starting secondary school, the school can refer you to receive a donation.  The charity will then deliver to the school if they have your requirements.

Alternatively, you can also self refer but you will need to pick the clothes up from Hillfields.

If you have clothes to donate, they would be very grateful for this.

To find out more, please go to the Coventry Clothing Facebook page

or their website

Finally, we have a range of donated school uniform available for parents in need just inside the main front entrance. If you have any uniform that you could donate to enable us to keep our stocks up, please speak to Mrs Smith.


School is Open

School will be open as usual today. Mr Cortese has been up early clearing the paths this morning. Please watch your step coming into school due to the falling snow.