Category: Parent/Carer Support

Children in Need

The children had a great time raising money for Children in Need on Friday. Everyone took part in the Joe Wicks workout in the morning – the staff found it more of a challenge than the children! In the afternoon, our ‘bring-and-buy’ sale was a bit hit. Thank you all for supporting Children in Need.

Year 5’s Homework has been out of this world.

Mrs, Aston, Mrs Reihill and Miss Cleveland would like to say a huge thank you to all of our Year 5 parents for their help and support with the children’s Space Homework, and are looking forward to welcoming you this afternoon to share the amazing range and creativity of projects. Sadly, there won’t be any cake left by then!


As part of our Autumn Disco, the Friend of Cannon Park organised a pumpkin-carving competition. The entries were all very impressive and clearly show the creative talents of our children. Well done to everyone, who entered. We wish you all a restful half term holiday.

Family Hub

Here is a timetable of events and activities led by the Mosaic Family Hub this term: