Month: October 2018

Word Class

Today, Year 5 have been developing their understanding of word classes. They worked in teams to group different words into nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, propositions and determiners before building sentences using words from the different classes.

Mood Music

This afternoon, Year 3 worked in groups to create an composition inspired by the weather. They discussed what feelings can be represented by different types of weather and create sounds to match each mood.

School Librarian of the Year

This week, Miss Cleveland, Mrs MacDonald and Mrs Whetstone travelled to London for the finals of the School Librarian of the Year competition. As the only primary school included in the finals, Cannon Park made quite an impression thanks to the efforts of Miss Cleveland the four children, who joined the staff for the day.

Chris Priestly Visit

We were delighted to welcome the author, Chris Priestley, to work with Years 5 & 6. He talked about his life as an author and illustrator, and showed the children how to ‘characterise’ a drawing. We then had a go at drawing ourselves as pirates. Huge thanks to Kenilworth Books and Bloomsbury Children’s Books for bringing Chris to our school for the afternoon.


Relative Clauses

Year 6 have been working hard this afternoon to turn simple sentences into complex sentences using relative clauses. They worked in pairs to identify the nouns in each sentence and adding in suitable relative clauses.



Over the past few weeks, Year 5 have been learning how to play the drums as one big group. It has been great to see such amazing teamwork in action.


Celebration Assembly

It was lovely to hear how the children are demonstrating our Cannon Park Values during assembly this morning. Teamwork came out as a popular value this week. Here are some of our winners: