Category: Music

Family Concert

Are you free on Saturday afternoon? The Coventry City of Culture Orchestra are holding a family concert at Coventry Central Hall starting at 3pm on Saturday 21st January. Tickets are free to children under 12 and £7 for adults. Please click here for more details.

Make sure to arrive to Central Hall early, as we are also going to be supported by the fantastic Coventry Music service, who will not only showcase one of their ensembles during our concert, but will also be bringing some musical instruments (and tutors!) for the next generation of musicians to try before our concert starts. They will be in the main hall from 1:45-2:45pm before our concert starts.

Music in Year 2

During this half term, in Music, Year 2 have been focusing on the song ‘Hands, Heart and Feet’. We have learnt about the pulse as well as how to improvise both using our voices and musical instruments. We also got the chance to create a composition using the glockenspiel. To end the unit the children had the opportunity to perform our piece of music to year 1. They gave us a big clap!

Carols Around the Tree

December would usually see the hall full of children, staff and parents, enjoying a Christmas musical extravaganza in the shape of our annual concert, Carols Around the Tree. Unfortunately, we are unable to gather together this Christmas but that didn’t stop Miss Ashby! She has worked tirelessly to coordinate the staff and children to create a virtual Carols Around the Tree. Please click on Christmas Tree below to enjoy the show.


Music Mark

Cannon Park Primary School has been nominated by Coventry Music to become a Music Mark school for the 2020/21 academic year.

Coventry Music stated: ‘The value that you place on music and your commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum has been recognised, and as a result, we would like to celebrate it.’

Music Mark is the UK Association for Music Education; they champion and support access to music for all children and young people.

We’re Rocking All Over The School!

The whole school went on a musical journey from the 1930’s to modern day with the Coventry Music Rock Band, enjoying some Blues, Rock and Roll, Metal, Funk, Reggae, Disco, Ska, Brit Pop and Pop. Who knew there were so many different musical genres?

Along the way, we heard classic anthems from Elvis, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, Queen, David Bowie,  Oasis, Walk The Moon, and Coventry’s own The Specials…

We sang. We danced. We ROCKED!



Mood Music

This afternoon, Year 3 worked in groups to create an composition inspired by the weather. They discussed what feelings can be represented by different types of weather and create sounds to match each mood.


Over the past few weeks, Year 5 have been learning how to play the drums as one big group. It has been great to see such amazing teamwork in action.