Category: Computing

Year 5: Lights, iPads, action!

In computing this half term, Year 5 have been film makers. Having produced their storyboards, they spent this morning using different filming techniques to shoot their video, from close ups to long shots, zooming in and filming from different heights. We are really looking forwards to seeing the finished results once their film clips have been edited together.


Year 2 have been learning all about algorithms as part of their computing. They planned how to navigate the Beebot around the course to reach Miss French’s treasure chest by writing the perfect algorithm. The children showed great teamwork and enjoyment in their learning.

We’re Internet Legends!

Year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 had a special assembly from Parent Zone, where the children travelled to Interland and learned how to be Google Internet Legends:

  • Be Internet Sharp:
    • think before sharing,
    • evaluate whether a piece of information is private or not,
    • and think who will be able to see what is shared.
  • Be Internet Alert:
    • if an offer is too good to be true, is it a phishing scam?
    • think what is real and what is fake,
    • and think critically about information found online, is is true and is it from a trusted website?
  • Be Internet Secure:
    • keep personal information safe by creating unique passwords, combining characters, numbers and symbols.
  • Be Internet Kind:
    • spread positivity online,
    • speak up against and report bullying,
    • identify inappropriate behaviour.
  • Be Internet Brave:
    • when witnessing something inappropriate online, speak to a trusted adult about any concerns.