Category: Year 2

Year 2 Blast Off!

Year 2 watched the film, ‘The Way Back Home’, for the start of their adventure story writing unit in English. The boy in the story travels to another planet in his rocket. The children thought about what their own spaceship might look like if they travelled into space. Everyone showed the value of enjoyment making junk model spaceships.

Music in Year 2

During this half term, in Music, Year 2 have been focusing on the song ‘Hands, Heart and Feet’. We have learnt about the pulse as well as how to improvise both using our voices and musical instruments. We also got the chance to create a composition using the glockenspiel. To end the unit the children had the opportunity to perform our piece of music to year 1. They gave us a big clap!


Year 2 have been learning all about algorithms as part of their computing. They planned how to navigate the Beebot around the course to reach Miss French’s treasure chest by writing the perfect algorithm. The children showed great teamwork and enjoyment in their learning.

Performance Poetry

Year 2 have been working on performance poetry in their English lessons this week. They loved having the opportunity to show their work to the children in Year 1. The children used loud, clear voices, actions and sometimes even dance to make their performances exciting! Well done, Year 2!

Postcode Fun

Today, Year 2 have been learning all about postcodes as part of their geography learning. They used iPads to find out popular tourist attractions at certain postcodes as well as learning about the road names around Cannon Park and how to search for a location using a postcode.

School Games Values

Well done to Year 2 who have won a School Games Values award for their determination and teamwork. They really are a wonderful team of children and are always so supportive of each other. What a lovely way to finish the term. Well done Year 2, we are all so proud of you, and well done to Mrs Amphlett!

Carols Around the Tree

December would usually see the hall full of children, staff and parents, enjoying a Christmas musical extravaganza in the shape of our annual concert, Carols Around the Tree. Unfortunately, we are unable to gather together this Christmas but that didn’t stop Miss Ashby! She has worked tirelessly to coordinate the staff and children to create a virtual Carols Around the Tree. Please click on Christmas Tree below to enjoy the show.


Alien Invasion!

Year 2 have been making moving aliens during DT Week. The children have enjoyed designing their aliens, creating them using cardboard and finding ways to join parts together. I’m sure you’ll agree, they are out of this world!

Report Writing

Year 2 have been busy writing non-chronological reports on pirates. They published their writing on large pieces of paper after looking at other examples of reports. Well done, Year 2!