Anti Bullying Week Begins

Reception learned that being unkind leaves a mark and changes you forever!

We had a piece of smooth paper and said unkind things to it. With each unkind comment, the paper was bent or ripped, meaning it could never be returned to the beautiful piece of paper it once was.

We were also unkind to an apple then looked inside to see the effect it had. We were shocked to see that the apple we were mean to, was bruised and squishy inside. We didn’t want this happening to anyone we know, so we decided we must always be kind, using thoughtful words and nice hands, so feelings inside are not hurt!

Reception Trip – Ryton Pools

What a wonderful first trip Year R had on Friday, when we ventured to Ryton Pools Country Park. We discovered lots in the Wild Woods, including digging for pirate treasure, making animal homes and lots more…The Rangers said we were great listeners and were exceptionally well behaved, which made the staff really happy. A big thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped us and well done children!

Value Certificates

Well done to this week’s certificate winners for showing our Cannon Park Values. You are role models for others.

Fire Safety

Year 4 have been learning all about Fire Safety with our special visitors from Canley Fire Station. Their top tips were:
1. Make sure you have a working smoke alarm at home.
2. If there is a fire, Get Out, Stay Out, Call The Fire Brigade Out.

Diwali Celebration 2018

Happy Diwali Everyone!

Reception celebrated Diwali by creating Rangoli Patterns by our door, using chalk and paint. We discovered that this was done as a way to welcome the God Lakshmi into buildings. It was really fun once the colours started to blend together in the rain! We also acted out the story of Rama and Sita, and made Diwali cards.




Year 1 learnt all about Diwali today. We talked about the festival of light and why diva lamps are lit. We had great fun using our creative skills to make our own diva lamps and we are looking forward to decorating them later in the week when the clay has dried.

Remembrance Day

Ahead of Remembrance Sunday, Year 3 walked into a their classroom and had a ‘snowball fight’ with paper. Afterwards, they unfurled each piece of paper to see that each one represented 1000 lives during WWI. We then read In Flanders Fields before doing some independent writing inspired by some WWI photographs.